The ocean has always protected us.
Now we need to defend it so it can keep on doing so.

un océan de PLASTIQUE sets out a few facts to help understand the role and decline of the oceans. With no scientific pretentions, this website aims to explain the issues clearly and provide some directions for thinking about the problem and taking action.
The challenges facing the ocean are multiple. The fight against plastic pollution is undoubtedly one that we can tackle together.
Around the world, thousands of people are doing their bit to save the ocean. They are scientists, businesspeople, activists, mothers and fathers, retired people, children… They all share the desire to prevent, cure, mend and save whatever they can. All these initiatives are still not enough. It’s up to us to organise so we can speak out louder and act faster.
« We don’t need to catastrophise: the situation is catastrophic » – Jean Jouzel (1)